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European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) Disclosure Code

The EFPIA Disclosure Code provides a common basis for reporting across Europe in relation to transfers of value. For more information on this Code visit: or

The publication of this information is made for transparency purposes only, as further detailed in the Pfizer EEA HCP Privacy Policy at (section “Disclosures of transfer of value”). It does not entail a general authorisation to those accessing the website to carry out any further processing of health care professionals'  (HCP’s) data, such as combining it with the information published on other websites.

    Here in Estonia disclosure of payments made to HCPs and HCOs during 2021, will be available no later than 1st of June, 2022 on website

    Here in Estonia disclosure of payments made to HCPs and HCOs during 2022, will be available no later than 1st of June, 2023 on website

    Here in Estonia disclosure of payments made to HCPs and HCOs during 2023, will be available no later than 1st of June, 2024 on website

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